Book Your Session with April Allen
April G. Allen is an Intuitive Life Coach with Sheronda L. Barksdale’s S.M.I.L.E., the Self-Mastery Institute for Higher Learning Empowerment. April is also certified as a Mindfulness Coach, Happiness Life Coach, and Goal Success Coach. She specializes in connecting to and cultivating your intuition, mindfulness, and providing intuition led guidance for overcoming obstacles and achieving personal goals.
She is also a Co-Founding Pillar of Epsilon Xi Gamma, Incorporated which is the nation’s first Order for LGBTQ+ Professional, Collegiate, and Military women and is an organization for women who are interested in making a valuable and lasting impact in the community through activism, service, and by exemplifying excellence through leading by example.
April is an Air Force Veteran and has a previous professional history in Project Management and Information Technology. She has been involved in volunteerism and has been serving the community in various ways for decades.
When working with April, you will find that she is most concerned with helping to provide you with goal-oriented intuitive-led insight and hopes to encourage and EMPOWER YOU to take control of your own journey so that you can see yourself through to your goals.